Thursday 28 February 2013

Digi-Pack Finished Design

This is our finished digi-pack template (the top section is flipped so it's legible - in reality this would have to be upside down). The top three panels would appear on the inside of the album, and the bottom three on the outside. We have stuck with the blue colour of the original album - thus referencing it in some way - and also included an unravelling sweater which alludes to the lyrics of the song that we have created the video for - The Sweater Song, another album that does this is The Pixies' 'Doolittle' - referencing their single 'Monkey gone to heaven'. In addition, we have stuck with the conventions of the band by including them standing 'awkwardly' on the front cover, however have added something different with the presence of the TV. This makes our digipack a little different yet still fitting within the conventions of the genre.

Doolittle - Pixies
(referencing their single 'Monkey gone to heaven' by depicting a monkey with a halo on the cover)

Weezer (blue album) - Weezer

We attempted to capture the same composure that Weezer have in their original album, capturing the essence of Weezer. This is important as Weezer have established themselves as a different kind of rock band, a 'geeky' and awkward one. It only seems right that to follow this convention and get the complete Weezer look.

Digi-Pack Prototypes

Pitch Feedback

We showed our new pitch to the rest of the class in order to get feedback on our ideas. The response was very positive and it was clear that our classmates preferred this new idea. Someone commented that this idea was a lot more realistic and we would be able to do it well quite easily compared with the last idea which was quite ambitious. It was also said that the idea of following the string is quite surreal and will make an interesting and quite different music video. 

New Pitch

New Shooting Schedule

Day 1 - January 17th

12:20– 13:20
Shooting end scene (Jack finds the phone number)
York College green screen room
All crew and Jack needed
Camera, Tripod, Instruments, Paper, Wool
10 +
13:20- 16:20 (or earlier)
Shooting band scenes

York College green screen room
All crew and band members needed
Camera, Tripod, Instruments
25 +

Day 2 - January 18th

9:00- 12:00
Shooting following thread scenes
York City Centre
All crew and Jack needed
Camera, Tripod, Jumper, Wool, Paper, Payphone
25 +
14:00- 15:00
Shooting ‘awakening’ sequence
George’s house/travelling to town
George Howard and Jack Rientoul
Camera, Tripod, Jumper, Food, Crockery etc.
10 +

New Storyboard

Changing Our Idea

We decided as a group that the idea to use the mirror and have the character 'falling into it' was a little ambitious and unrealistic. Because of this we have decided to take the video in a different direction, still incorporating the same themes and ideas just without the complex mirror sequence.

Initial Storyboards

These are our initial story boards for the new idea, they are only rough so we will be re-drawing them at some point. In this version of the video, the main character is handed a phone number by someone out of shot which the character then loses. His sweater begins to unravel and the string leads him in different directions as he follows it. Eventually the string leads to a mirror and the character 'falls into it' to the world of the band.  

Locations, Talent, Props etc.


York Center / River Ouse (following thread) - 


York College Green Screen Room - 


Instruments: Guitar, Bass, Drumkit, Microphone & stand x2

Other: Wool, Jumper, Paper (for phone number), Payphone, Mirror (?)


Band members: 

Isaac Whiting
Will Hirst
Lachlan Mackay 

Main Character (boy):

Jack Rientoul

New Idea

After the first filming session, as a group we decided that we disliked our current idea, and some of the footage we had shot turned out either too dark or too shaky. In light of this, we had a 'brainstorming session' and have come up with a new idea that we think will be better suited to the song, and create a better product overall. We have decided to keep the design for the digi-pack the same as we think it follows the conventions of the band quite well.

New date
The filming will start on the 17th of January and finish on the 18th of January. Filming will take place over the majority of both of these days.