Friday 14 September 2012

Initial Idea

Song: Nirvana - In Bloom
Genre: Alternative Rock/Grunge

Most videos in the grunge or alternative genres largely feature the band playing the song, just as the original video for 'In Bloom'. Because of this in my video, I would like the main focus to be the band playing their instruments. Many videos of the alternative genre seem to have an old-style grainy effect, such as Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock and Blink 182 - Miss You, and therefore think this would be a good addition to my video as it would stick with the conventions of the genre and make the video look more realistic. I think an outdoor location would also fit with the genres conventions, but a studio set or even a stage set (similar to the original video) would work. Cutting from the band to another storyline, or alternatively, quickly cutting to a number of different artistic shots then back to the band would be a means of adding something different to the video. I also like the use of colour in the Cherub Rock video, and think it would be good (if possible) to incorporate this.

Many albums in the alternative genres don't feature photographs of the band at all, they mostly feature photographs or artwork of seemingly none-related items or landscapes. I would like to follow this convention with my album cover.   

Target audience:
My promotional package will be primarily aimed at young adults from the ages of 14 - 22. This is based on the idea that it is mostly young people that watch music videos in the first place.

Why I chose it:
I have chosen the song 'In Bloom' because I feel the original video is done in a very specific and rare style and I thought it would be interesting to see what else could be done with the song.

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